New Yorkers – Save the Date! Seed Exchange at the Stock Exchange, Monday 2/27

I’m planning on checking this out. I’m hoping (please!) that it will be one of my last weeks of being unemployed and that I’ll find a job soon, but in the meantime having weekdays free has allowed me to participate in some great events like this and the rally against Monsanto a few weeks ago.

I’m curious about the seed ball bike ride…sounds to me like they’re planning on scattering seed in public green spaces?  That’s my guess anyway.   Many gardeners, farmers, and permaculture enthusiasts were at the Monsanto rally at City Hall, so I’m hoping some of them will be on board for this and that perhaps they’ve used their influence to put a vote toward scattering native plant seeds.

It sounds like there will be speakers and demonstrations throughout the morning and afternoon.  I think it’s great that people are getting together on such a large scale to exchange seeds and to encourage others to grow food.  I’m hoping it will have a good turnout!  I’m taking a look at what seeds I can bring and I’ll report back on the event next week.

16 thoughts on “New Yorkers – Save the Date! Seed Exchange at the Stock Exchange, Monday 2/27

    • Thanks. I’ll find something eventually and in the meantime I’m really grateful to be able to take advantage of doing some things like this seed exchange!

    • Ah, Donna…and upstate is where I long to be! Sigh. You’re right, though…lots of interesting things happening here in the city, and I try to participate in as many things like this as I can.

    • Mimi, give me a call or shoot me a text if you are planning to go, and we can meet up there! I think it’s going to be great and I bet there will be all kinds of awesome seeds being shared!

  1. I first heard of those seedballs about 10 years ago. There is a gifted gardener in Mississippi named “Dr. Dirt”, at least middle-aged and maybe more. His Mama taught him how to roll seeds into a ball of moist clay, letting it dry, preserving them temporarily until they could be sown. The clay enclosure enhances germination rates once the ball lands in its new home.

    Here’s his link:

    I saw some seedballs for sale on Etsy awhile back!

    You live in an exciting place, Aimee! Good luck at Monday’s event! I hope the weatherman gives you a perfect day.

    • I just checked out Dr. Dirt’s site – what a hoot! He seems like quite the character. I’m really curious to see what kinds of seeds are going into these seedballs for Monday. I’m still debating as to whether or not to ride my bike all the way into Manhattan or take it on the subway (make that two subways, considering the transfer…and a whole lot of steps to carry it up and down…) We shall see about that.

      So far the weather looks pretty darn fine – partly cloudy and somewhere in the mid 40s-50s. Should be fun! Maybe I’ll have wind up with some fun seeds to send you!

  2. That’s a great tagline – Occupy the Food Supply. How could you resist attending?..

    It’s odd – I was unemployed/underemployed for quite some time, and only recently got a job, which is perfect for me. The only problem is I miss having the time to blog, garden and wander around outdoors with the camera. So enjoy it while you can! I’m convinced that the social media, photography and blogging skills I developed helped me get the job, too.

    • Hi Sheila, it sure is a great tagline! I love it. You’re also right about not having the time to blog, garden, and take photos as much when you’re working! I know that time is coming eventually and that I’ll miss having this time too. Believe me, I’ve been taking full advantage of it! Not having to worry about coming up with rent and bills will be nice too, though. 😉 I’m heading to a food justice job fair tomorrow, so perhaps something will line up there!

      • The food justice job fair sounds interesting – I’m just planning a blog post at my job on food, justice and faith. Best wishes! I know all too well the downsides of unemployment, too 🙂

  3. Wow Aimee you are doing great things! I love the efforts you’ve made (previous post) to start seeds. Bound to work too. And now to Occupy the food supply–yes. So proud of you. Let’s end corporate exploitation of ALL kinds!

  4. hello So enjoy it while you can! I’m convinced that the social media, photography and blogging skills I developed helped me get the job, too.

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